What's Up @ Cozy

Some of "Your" Best Product Ideas Are Not Your Own

Some of "Your" Best Product Ideas Are Not Your Own

During the last five years of building Cozy, perhaps the most important thing I discovered was that, observing and listening to customers is one of the most effective ways to discover...

Some of "Your" Best Product Ideas Are Not Your Own

During the last five years of building Cozy, perhaps the most important thing I discovered was that, observing and listening to customers is one of the most effective ways to discover...

A Look Back at Year One

Wow. It’s been a full year since MagCozy got funded on Kickstarter and launched Cozy Industries as a company! It’s easy to get lost in the details when you’re an...

A Look Back at Year One

Wow. It’s been a full year since MagCozy got funded on Kickstarter and launched Cozy Industries as a company! It’s easy to get lost in the details when you’re an...

What's in a Meme?

  There's only one sure thing in digital marketing these days: someone is going to ask for content that "goes viral" like it's a feature we've been hiding for special...

What's in a Meme?

  There's only one sure thing in digital marketing these days: someone is going to ask for content that "goes viral" like it's a feature we've been hiding for special...

Small Business, Big Ideas

Heeeey, we know that guy!  Cozy Industries founder and CEO, Ben Martinek, was featured on the San Francisco Small Business Week website with advice for entrepreneurs. He shared insights with...

Small Business, Big Ideas

Heeeey, we know that guy!  Cozy Industries founder and CEO, Ben Martinek, was featured on the San Francisco Small Business Week website with advice for entrepreneurs. He shared insights with...