Do power outlets in your house look like this?

You have chargers for your iPhone and iPad, but the rest of your family uses Android. On top of all this, you need a charger for everyone’s Kindles. With all those cords and power strips, you can hardly see the floor.
We’ve talked about how adapters can help multi-MacBook and iDevice households. But can Apple and Android devices coexist too? As it turns out, they can!
To scale down on cords, first determine which chargers you’re using. The converter we’re looking at works with Apple Lightning and generic Micro USB cords. The easiest way to tell the difference is by the device they work with. Lightning chargers are compatible with some Apple iPhones, iPods, and iPads*. Micro USB chargers are compatible with Android phones and Kindles.
If you use both Lightning and Micro USB chargers, Apple’s Lightning to Micro USB adapter is your solution. It’s a small, plastic piece that attaches to the end of Micro USB chargers, and fits into Lightning charging ports. Here’s how it works:

With one small adapter, you can downsize from five cords to just one. It’s the perfect solution for multi-device families, or travelers lugging around too many different cords. The adapter can help Apple and Android devices live together, but unfortunately can’t end the Apple vs. Android debate. Still, it’s big help in a small package. :-)
*Lightning-compatible Apple Devices